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關於go out on a limb的評價, 神谷 えりな

お久しぶりです。 仮面女子の猪狩ともかです。 この度は沢山の方々にご心配をお掛けしてしまい、大変申し訳ありません。 私は4/11(水)に強風で倒れた看板の下敷きになってしまうという事故に遭い...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and confess. I don't find miniature food sculpting fun. You read that correctly. As the 19 Hwa Chong students who probably made their first ever miniature food yesterday have experienced, I'm guessing fun might not be the first word that comes to mind if you ask them how the workshop was yesterday. From 9am to 3pm, it was hard work, focus-driven hours that was fully dedicated into shaping the breads, painting the baked shades and drizzling on the tiniest scale. Some journeys are not fun, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy them. Just like a lot of things in life, you work hard and you get paid in your results. They came to learn to make miniature bread, and they left with little baskets of breads, never mind if they hadn't handled or even seen polymer clay in their lives prior to yesterday. That, I was jolly pleased with, and hopefully they can be proud of that too. Kudos to you all. 👏🏻 And thank you Xinman and JY for helping to lug our heavy luggage of supplies and oven up and down 4 stories. Thanks Betsy for coordinating with HCI. And thank you @fitnessfirstsg for training my arms. 💪🏻

I'm going to go out on a limb here and confess. I ...